Town of South Congaree
South Carolina
(803) 755-2760

The Crepe Myrtles at the park beside the South Congaree Town Hall.

Congaree Creek is one of two creeks that run through South Congaree. Eventually they continue and join with the Congaree River.

Welcome to South Congaree.

The Crepe Myrtles at the park beside the South Congaree Town Hall.
the south congaree park
The South Congaree Park is beside the town hall at 119 West Berry Road, West Columbia, SC 29172. It is managed by the Lexington County Recreation & Aging Commission. There are several picnic shelters of differing sizes, permanent charcoal grills, a sand volleyball court, basketball area, a large play set centered around a play fire truck, swings of several sizes, and several large areas to run and play. There is a beautiful creek that runs through it but it is for viewing only. There is no swimming, wading, or fishing in the creek. All features of the park are available on a first come first serve basis. Place holding is only permitted by a person on site only and items left for place holding or that are left by mistake may be removed. There is no alcohol allowed in the park and any illegal activity is strictly prohibited. There are ample trash cans available and it is the users responsibility to CLEAN UP after themselves! There are permanent restrooms located under the steps. For maintenance issues or to contact the LCRAC about this park call (803) 359-4048.