Town of South Congaree
South Carolina
(803) 755-2760

The Crepe Myrtles at the park beside the South Congaree Town Hall.

Congaree Creek is one of two creeks that run through South Congaree. Eventually they continue and join with the Congaree River.

Welcome to South Congaree.

The Crepe Myrtles at the park beside the South Congaree Town Hall.
South Congaree Municipal Court
Welcome to the South Congaree Municipal Court. The court is part of the integrated judicial system for South Carolina and serves as the judicial branch in the government of the Town of South Congaree. We are committed to administering justice in a fair, efficient and professional manner and to ensure that the rights of all persons are observed. With a focus on protecting those rights, privileges and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America and of the State of South Carolina, South Congaree Municipal Court will consistently and impartially interpret, apply and abide by applicable laws. We seek to continually enhance our court operations to promote confidence in our court.
Municipal Court Information:
The South Congaree Municipal Court is located at 119 West Berry Road, West Columbia, SC 29172. The Honorable Kenneth W. Ebener serves as the Chief Judge and in a supervisory capacity over court staff. The Clerk of Court is responsible for administering the daily operations of the South Congaree Municipal Court.
South Congaree Municipal Court schedules and adjudicates criminal, traffic and town ordinance violations that occur within the South Congaree Town limits. As a court of limited jurisdiction, the Court hears traffic and misdemeanor criminal cases.
The Municipal Court Division provides:
Administrative support to the judicial arm of the court
Case management
Alternative sentence monitoring
Court fines collection
Court fine and case load reporting
Payment Arrangement Management
Collection and Organization Records
Tow Lot Management
South Congaree Municipal Court conducts court temporarily twice a month on Wednesdays, at 2:30 p.m.
Contact the Clerk of Court
Phone|803-755-2760 ext. 103
To pay over the phone call