Town of South Congaree
South Carolina
(803) 755-2760

The Crepe Myrtles at the park beside the South Congaree Town Hall.

Congaree Creek is one of two creeks that run through South Congaree. Eventually they continue and join with the Congaree River.

Welcome to South Congaree.

The Crepe Myrtles at the park beside the South Congaree Town Hall.
What you can do to help
The Town of South Congaree like most small towns operates off a very small budget. Because of this, we often need additional help in various capacities we simply can't afford. Below are listed areas in which we currently need assistance. If you have some time to spare and would like to help your community, go to the volunteer position you are interested and e-mail that department's head. We certainly could use your skills an talents.
Volunteer Grant Writer
Applicants must posses some skills in writing. Previous grant writing experience is preferred. A grant writer would search for, find, and match available grants to the town's needs. This may include water and sewer, beautification, economic improvement, law enforcement, public safety, parks & recreation grants, and more. This writer would study the grant's requirements, ensure that the Town of South Congaree meets or could meet those requirements in the future. Then, that individual would fully fill out the application, gather all required documentation, and return it by the application's deadline. Some training may be possible through the SC Municipal Association, the SCEPD, the SC Criminal Justice Academy, and other agencies.
If you are interested in doing some volunteer grant writing, please contact the Town Clerk by calling (803) 755-2760 and pressing extension 101.